
Top Four Breastfeeding Tips For New Moms

Breastfeeding has numerous benefits. Breast milk contains the best balance of nutrients necessary for fast growth and development of your baby. Breast milk also contains antibodies that boost the immune system of your child. Furthermore, breast milk is relatively easier to digest compared to other commercial formulas available in the market today. Though breastfeeding is known to have numerous benefits, many new moms still find it challenging. For most new moms, breastfeeding can be uncomfortable, bare, and awkward in the beginning. Hence, here are top four breastfeeding tips for new moms.


Seek helpjmkb2we5dt62yed7u2228

It is vital to ask for help the first time you breastfeed your baby, especially within the first hour after delivery. The hospital lactation consultant or nurses are there to offer valuable breastfeeding techniques. They will help you understand the right position that will help you breastfeed your baby with a lot of comfort and ease. Rather than leaning forward, it is advisable to cradle your baby next to your breast to achieve maximum comfort.

Allow the baby to set the pace

In most cases, most newborns breastfeed every two to three hours. Hence, it is advisable that every mom should watch her baby intensely for any early signs of hunger. A baby could show signs of hunger by depicting such behavior as unrest, lip movements, stirring, and sucking motions. It is advisable to allow your child to latch on the first breast until the breast feels soft. After that, allow the baby to nurse from the second breast. In the case that your child nurses on only one breast consistently, it is advisable to pump your other breast so as to protect your milk supply and relieve pressure.

Take good care of your nipples

After each brjmkb2w5sd62yd72u8di82eastfeeding session, it is no problem to allow the breast milk to dry naturally on your nipple. The milk plays a great role in soothing your nipples. Nonetheless, if you are in a hurry, it is advisable to pat your nipple gently and make it dry. Furthermore, for those moms whose breasts leak after and between feedings, it is recommended to use bra pad. Moreover, while bathing, it is advisable to minimize the amount of shampoo and soap that contact your breasts.

Avoid pacifiers at first

Delaying the pacifier for the first month is wise. Early introduction of the use of pacifiers can suppress hunger cues and reduce the breastfeeding time, especially during crucial periods. Therefore, it is advisable to introduce pacifiers once you have developed a good breastfeeding routine, usually four to five weeks after birth.…